Iran Opportunities

The purpose of this page was to increase the communication between the Iranian people and those outside Iran in order to make foreigners and Iranians better able to meet their needs.

Iran Opportunities

The purpose of this page was to increase the communication between the Iranian people and those outside Iran in order to make foreigners and Iranians better able to meet their needs.

Mina fruit container pottery code:271

Product type : Decorative, consumable

Dimensions: 20 × 24.5 × 24.5 cm

Weight : 1348  g

 Gender : Pottery

Glazed veneer

Cooked in the oven

Washing ability


حاویة الفاکحه الفخار المینا شماره :272

نوع المنتج: دیکور ، مستهلک

20الأبعاد: × 24.5 × 24.5 

1348الوزن: گرم

الجنس: الفخار

القشرة المزججة

طهی فی الفرن

القدرة على الغسیل

نظرات 0 + ارسال نظر
امکان ثبت نظر جدید برای این مطلب وجود ندارد.