Iran Opportunities

The purpose of this page was to increase the communication between the Iranian people and those outside Iran in order to make foreigners and Iranians better able to meet their needs.

Iran Opportunities

The purpose of this page was to increase the communication between the Iranian people and those outside Iran in order to make foreigners and Iranians better able to meet their needs.


Painting on glass is one of the most engaging arts in the world, offering dynamic animation illustrators in curriculums

The amazing art of patina work on glass is an ancient and ancient art that has become popular today

With this beautiful art, glass objects get closer to the ages

The sense of aging is the sense of being old, authentic, and rooted in things that pass through an emotional feeling

With a patina, you can paint a glass container in the form of bronze or reflect the feeling of being stony in the glass

Patina  ON GLASS It can be cracked OR corrosion

The way of doing is very wide and depends on the creativity of the artist

The glass bottle patina is an interesting idea to decorate the dishes

Almost most of the sculptures and decorations are decorated in a manner related to the work of the patina

An ordinary glass vase with a patina will become a beautiful, engaging piece of art.


پتینه على الزجاج

پتینه على الزجاج واحدة من الفنون الإبداعیة الأکثر جاذبیة یوفر المرئیات الدینامیکیة فی الدورات التدریبیة .

الفن المذهل الپتینه على الزجاج.

 مع هذا الفن الجمیل ، تقترب الأجسام الزجاجیة من العصور. نهایة من القدیم یشعر القدیمة الأصالة والجذور للأشیاء .

مما یعطیک شعورا رائعا . مع الپتینه ، یمکن تلوین الزجاج بالبرونز . أو یعکس الشعور بالحجارة فی الزجاج .

یمکن الپتینه العمل على الزجاج متصدع أو صدئ .

طریقة العمل واسعة للغایة وتعتمد على إبداع الفنان

پتینه علی الزجاج هی فکرة مثیرة للاهتمام لتزیین الأطباق

تم تزیین معظم المنحوتات والزخارف بطریقة ترتبط بعمل الپتینه

سوف تصبح مزهریة زجاجیة عادیة مع پتینه قطعة فنیة جمیلة وجذابة

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