Iran Opportunities

The purpose of this page was to increase the communication between the Iranian people and those outside Iran in order to make foreigners and Iranians better able to meet their needs.

Iran Opportunities

The purpose of this page was to increase the communication between the Iranian people and those outside Iran in order to make foreigners and Iranians better able to meet their needs.

Cup and turquoise pot CODE: 119

Dimensions of CUP15 × 15 × 35:

15 x 15 x 25: Dimensions of pots

Weight:3500 grams

The body of the outer of turquoise


حاویة  و الفیروز زهریة شماره : 119

أبعاد الحاویة :  15x  25x 15

أبعاد زهریة :15 × 15 × 35

الوزن : 3500

جسم الخارجی من الفیروز