Iran Opportunities

The purpose of this page was to increase the communication between the Iranian people and those outside Iran in order to make foreigners and Iranians better able to meet their needs.

Iran Opportunities

The purpose of this page was to increase the communication between the Iranian people and those outside Iran in order to make foreigners and Iranians better able to meet their needs.

One meter handmade carpet Code: 252

Size : 1.11 square meters

Dimensions : 135 * 82 cm
Shape : Rectangle

Texture location  :Sarouq
How to dye : Traditional using natural colors
Approximate weight : 5 kg

Texture density : 36

Perez: Wool

Gender Yarn warp  : Cotton thread

Gender Yarn woof : Cotton thread

Gender  khab yarn : Wool

Height of  khab yarn : 1 cm

Under the carpet is a leather upholstery that prevents the carpet from slipping on the slider surfaces and also makes the carpet shapely


سجادة یدویة 1متری شماره 252:

الحجم: 1.11 متر مربع

الأبعاد: 135 * 82

الشکل: مستطیل

موقع نسیج : ساروق

کیفیة صبغ: التقلیدیة باستخدام الألوان الطبیعیة

الوزن التقریبی:  5 کیلوگرم

ترکیز الأنسجة: 36

بیریز: صوف

الجنس القماش : قطن

نوع الجنس خاب الغزل: الصوف

ارتفاع غزل الخاب: 1 س

تحت السجاد هو الجلد هذا یمنع السجاد من الانزلاق على الأسطح الزلقة ویجعل السجاد أکثر جاذبیة

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