Iran Opportunities

The purpose of this page was to increase the communication between the Iranian people and those outside Iran in order to make foreigners and Iranians better able to meet their needs.

Iran Opportunities

The purpose of this page was to increase the communication between the Iranian people and those outside Iran in order to make foreigners and Iranians better able to meet their needs.

Describing Turquoise Stages

The first stage of the substrate is made of metal, such as brass, copper and silver, by a goldsmith or a metal manufacturer by hand or by a press machine, and the smooth and polished to the next step

The second step of the master Turquoise , shred turquoise, which, in terms of size and color, should be separated from other waste

After determining the type of rock that is supposed to be on the surface. The surface of the metal is heated slightly, at this time they are sprayed on a slightly powdered lacquer surface (lacquer varnish) When the lacquer has a molten state Fit the turquoise over it .After filling the surface with turquoise and filling the empty spaces between the turquoise and the smaller ones, it is polished with the help of the "ab san" rock and bump lacquer and Turquoise prominences disappear and a one-handed surface is achieved . At this point, the actual color of the turquoise appears

The third step is polishing. At this stage, they polish on turquoise surfaces and then polyester on it, which is why it protects the surface and also maximizes the beauty of the work


وصف مراحل الفیروز

الخطوة الأولى هی استخدام من المعدن المرغوب ، مثل الأرز والنحاس والفضة ، من قبل صائغ أو مصنع المعادن وهی مصنوعة باستخدام ید أو آلة الصحافة .

الخطوة الثانیة هی سید الفیروز. الفیروز ، الذی یجب أن یکون هو نفسه فی الحجم واللون ، یفصل عن النفایات الأخرى بعد تحدید نوع الصخرة التی من المفترض أن تکون على السطح تم تسخین سطح المعدن قلیلاً فی هذا الوقت على سطح  قلیلا مسحوق ورنیش رش عندما یکون للورنیش حالة منصهرة ، لصق الفیروزه علی الذلک .

بعد تغطیة المستوى إلى مع الفیروز وملأ الفراغات الفارغة بین الفیروز مع أصغر الفیروز إنها مساعدة الحجر تجعله سلسًا ومصقولًا .