Iran Opportunities

The purpose of this page was to increase the communication between the Iranian people and those outside Iran in order to make foreigners and Iranians better able to meet their needs.

Iran Opportunities

The purpose of this page was to increase the communication between the Iranian people and those outside Iran in order to make foreigners and Iranians better able to meet their needs.


• Dimensions: 15 * 24 * 31 cm
• Weight: 1850 kg
Antic Engraving
Gender Holder: Wood

Body Material: Brass

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غلایة منحوتة شماره 139:

الأبعاد: 15 * 24 * 31

الوزن: 1850 کیلوگرم

نقش الجمیل

المقبض مصنوع من الخشب

مواد الجسم: الأرز