Iran Opportunities

The purpose of this page was to increase the communication between the Iranian people and those outside Iran in order to make foreigners and Iranians better able to meet their needs.

Iran Opportunities

The purpose of this page was to increase the communication between the Iranian people and those outside Iran in order to make foreigners and Iranians better able to meet their needs.

A pair of six-meter handmade carpets Code :251

Size : 6.12 square meters

Dimensions : 204 x 300 cm

Shape : Rectangle

Texture location ; Mashhad

Design name: lachak toranji
background color : cream

Border color : pink

How to dye : Chemical

Approximate weight: 26 kg

Texture compression : 40
Perez : Fluff and silk

Gender Yarn warp  : linen

Gender Yarn woof : linen

Gender khab yarn : Fluff

Height of khab yarn : About  one  cm


زوج من السجاد الیدوی طوله ستة أمتار شماره 251:

الحجم: 6.12 متر مربع

الأبعاد: 204 × 300

الشکل: مستطیل

موقع النسیج: مشهد

اسم التصمیم:  لچک ترنجی

لون الخلفیة: کریم

لون الحدود: وردی

کیف صبغ: الکیمیائیة

الوزن التقریبی: 26 کیلو گرم

ضغط النسیج : 40

بیریز: زغب وحریر

الجنس القماش :لینن

نوع الجنس خاب غزل: زغب

ارتفاع غزل الخاب: حوالی واحد سنتیمتر